PCI Compliance – Payment Card Industry Data Standards

Payment Card Industry Data Standards (PCI) VISA Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP)
PCI/CISP defines the standard for securing Visa and MasterCard cardholder data, wherever it is located. Compliance is required of all entities storing, processing, or transmitting cardholder data. Acquiring Banks must comply with CISP/PCI and are responsible for ensuring the compliance of their merchants for all payment channels, including retail (brick-and-mortar), mail/telephone-order, and ecommerce.
BankCard Central offers the world’s leading PCI Compliance Program through PCI ToolKit. This partnership provides BankCard Central merchants with discounted services to meet the Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards. We will walk you through ever step of the process and ensure it is as pain-free as possible.
What is PCI?
In response to the overwhelming occurrences of credit card data theft by hackers, Visa and Mastercard have developed the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard. This standard is also being enforced by American Express, DicoverCard and JCB. It must be implemented by all merchants and their web hosts, shopping cart vendors and payment processing providers. Those who do not comply face fines up to $500,000 and the possibility of being bared from accepting credit card payments in the future.
PCI Compliance is Fast and Easy
Working directly with Visa and MasterCard, ScanAlert has developed a unique, accurate and easy to use “PCI Wizard” making PCI compliance more affordable and more reliable for merchants of all types and sizes. This service automates completion of your self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ), automatically initiates quarterly scans for vulnerabilities and generates the necessary PCI compliance reporting. This PCI Compliance Service provides everything BankCard Central clients need to be certified.
Services Include:
- Quarterly security scans of up to 6 domain names or IP addresses.
- Full vulnerability remediation support from CISP certified security specialists.
- Unlimited telephone tech support.
- Assistance completing the self-assessment questionnaire.